If you close a position manually, the associated trigger orders will remain open, you would need to cancel them manually if you do not want the order to be active when opening future positions.
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Maximum number of solvent molecules to add if they fit in the box. If zero (default) this is ignored
Holders are able to stake on Arbitrum and Avalanche, receiving ETH or AVAX, respectively. This is not to be confused with $GLP, the platform’s liquidity provider token that participants get for providing trading liquidity.
By entering a ‘futures contract’, two parties agree to sell or purchase an asset at a pre-determined price and time in the future. In contrast to spot trading, traders in a futures contract are not required to hold the asset.
Dual delivery can help you try out Gmail with your organization before moving all users and data to Google Workspace.
With this structure, the GLP pool’s return shrinks as traders make profits and grow when traders make losses and trade more frequently.
As one of the first perpetual contract exchanges on Arbitrum, GMX gained many users, then continued to expand into Avalanche.
The reverse is the case when the asset drops in value. Depending on the extent of the drop or rise in value a future trader gets liquidated if they fail to increase their collateral or close their position to stop their losses.
Entenda tais como funciona a corretora descentralizada GMX https://gmxsol.pro/ e saiba como incluir o token no seu portfólio
For swaps, a positive price impact would increase the amount of tokens received while a negative price impact would decrease the amount of tokens received.
Chainlink is the universal platform for pioneering the future of global markets onchain. Chainlink has enabled over $16 trillion in transaction value by providing financial institutions, startups, and developers worldwide with access to real-world data, offchain computation, and secure cross-chain interoperability across any blockchain.
GMX token staking program offers holders an opportunity to earn passive income through their tokens. Holders can stake their GMX tokens and earn interests of over 10% APR (at the time of this writing) on Arbitrum one and Avalanche blockchain. 30% of the fees generated on the platform are used to reward stakers.